I have just released ImagePress 7.9.0. This version is better, faster and more code-compliant.
Last time I changed the grid styling, I broke some responsive styles. This version brings them back, this time as inline, scoped CSS, not element-based inline CSS. This makes it easier to target all devices without having to override CSS styles using the !important
Another big update is translations. I have removed some unused ones and updated all strings. There’s also a new German translation. In the process, I have removed some hardcoded English plurals, correcting the internationalisation.
Some unused features have been removed, such as custom notifications and image feed. The latter has been moved to the ImagePress Elements module and will include a proper tutorial and documentation. I have also removed the image rel
tag, which was not working properly.
Contextual help and explanatory text have also been updated to reflect the latest changes.
The plugin is now Gutenberg compatible. As all custom fields are supposed to be hidden, ImagePress images are 100% compatible with the latest version of Gutenberg.
I’m considering creating a lightbox module for ImagePress as a standalone plugin. Stay tuned!
= 7.9.0 =
* FIX: Fixed responsive styles
* FIX: Fixed hardcoded non-translated English assumptions (it's a mouthful)
* UPDATE: Updated translations with missing strings
* UPDATE: Replaced social icons with FontAwesome
* UPDATE: Updated FontAwesome (5.0.13 -> 5.1.0)
* UPDATE: Removed image rel tag
* UPDATE: Code compliance updates
* UPDATE: Admin content/body updates
* UPDATE: Moved feed module to ImagePress Elements
* UPDATE: Removed custom notifications functionality
* UPDATE: Updated Gutenberg compatibility
Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash