WordPress & WooCommerce Plugins

Game Changing
WordPress Plugins
for Your Website

Open up a world of possibilities for your business or organization with our powerful, professional, high-quality plugins for WordPress and WooCommerce.

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Also read a short history of my WordPress plugins.

Gravity Forms Repeater

A custom repeater plugin. May require some fixes and updates.

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Gravity Forms Date/Time Picker

Hook into a single text field and use a JavaScript time picker plugin. Easy, lightweight and extendable.

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WooCommerce Grid/List View

WooCommerce Grid/List View is a simple plugin which adds a grid/list view toggle button to your product archives, allowing users to toggle between grid and list views of your products on your WooCommerce store.

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Mingle Forums & Discussion Board

Build and grow your community with our scalable and customizable WordPress forum plugin.

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WP Send

WP Send is the simplest way to send your files around the world. Share large files with configurable filesizes and expiry dates. Powered by WordPress!

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Foundry is a WordPress property plugin with Daft and Acquaint CRM import capabilities.

Foundry is fully supported long-term, and it receives regular security and feature updates. Foundry works with almost any theme, however it has been built to take advantage of Saturn themeโ€™s features.

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