SpeedFactor Summary: January 10, 2020

on in Blog, SpeedFactor
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This update is related more to the account admin than to actual SpeedFactor features.

I have implemented PayPal and tweaked the registration process a bit. I lost some of the styling, but it’s all for the best, as I need to add a detailed pricing table with all the current features.

I have also tweaked the Stripe payment process for better reliability and improved the subscription screen for each user.

From a speed point of view, the SpeedFactor service is now more streamlined and converted to components, so switching from one report to another is now noticeably faster.

The SpeedFactor service has undergone some changes, mostly under-the-hood changes, and no new features have been added.

The next big update will add a basic versioning system to SpeedFactor and more opportunities, tips, tricks and advise.

Next SpeedFactor update will be labeled as SpeedFactor 2 and will bring around 100 new tips, will remove redundant checks and diagnostics (such as the readability score, which is wildly inaccurate) and will feature a better user interface.

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