Web Insights – Your JS/CSS/UI/UX Digest #6

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Our new digest series aims to provide web designers and developers with a single location to discover the latest and most significant stories on the web, while sipping a hot coffee.

If you’re like us, you spend hours every day browsing through hundreds of sites and articles, hoping to stumble across relevant news stories.

We search through hundreds of posts on blogs, social media, and news channels, to deliver the most essential stories of the day. Our content covers quality news, fresh tools and apps, case studies, code demos, inspiration posts, videos and more.

Reactive Brain Waves: Hacking an EEG Headset from JS
A walkthrough of using RxJS, Angular, Web Bluetooth, and an EEG headset to monitor brainwaves and perform actions based on eye blinks.
javascript angular tutorial

Vue 2.5 Released
The latest Vue, billed “Level E”, comes with better TypeScript integration, error handling, and improved support for functional components.
javascript vue

How I’m (Not) Using jQuery
Raymond Camden explains the steps he’s taken to wean himself off a dependence on jQuery for a number of common frontend development tasks.
javascript tutorial

Napa.js: An Alternative Multi-Threaded JS Runtime
An interesting Microsoft project that offers a V8 JavaScript runtime oriented around multiple V8 instances running at the same time and the communications between them.
javascript news

A Single Page ES2015+ Cheatsheet
A one-page guide to features added in ES2015 and beyond.
javascript tutorial

A Look at New DevTools Features for JavaScript
A 20 minute talk looking at code coverage, type profiling, and a deep dive into how evaluating a code snippet in DevTools console works in V8.
javascript video

Why Robots Should Format Our JavaScript for Us
Not using something like Prettier to format your code yet? The author tries to sell you on why it’s a good idea.
javascript news

PayPal’s Open-Source Cross-Domain JavaScript Suite
PayPal has open sourced a suite of libraries for building JavaScript experiences that work well on third party sites that embed them.
javascript news

Mozilla, Microsoft, Google, and W3C to Work on MDN Docs Together

CKEditor 5 Rich Text Editor Released
javascript news

An Imperative Guide to Forms in Vue.js
javascript vue tutorial

Using Three.js for 2D Data Visualization
javascript tutorial

Writing Smarter Web Animation Code with GSAP
javascript css tutorial

Building a ‘Modem’ with Web Audio
An interesting way to transmit data in audio form.
javascript tutorial

Build A Real-Time Chat App with Vue.js, Vuex and Cloud Firestore
javascript vue tutorial

accessibilityjs: A Client-Side Accessibility Error Scanner
GitHub uses this to scan for inaccessible UI elements.
javascript news

ES Check: Checks The Version of ES Used in Source Files
javascript news

Redux Zero: A Simpler ‘Redux Lite’
A lightweight state container based on Redux with a single store and no reducers.
javascript news

Anime.js: A JS Animation Library for the Web
javascript news

rmodal.js: A Simple 1.2 KB Modal Dialog with No Dependencies
javascript news

Schnack.js: A Disqus-like Commenting Drop-in for Static Sites
A commenting system build on Node.js and SQLite3.
javascript news

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