Lighthouse Update and What’s Next

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McInroy - Fanad Lighthouse - County Donegal
McInroy – Fanad Lighthouse – County Donegal

It’s been a while since the latest Lighthouse update, and this time we had to release another version due to some recurring behaviour, slowing down some of our sites. When using the block editor, in some instances, the MediaElement library – mediaelement.js and mediaelement.css – get registered and enqueued on all pages on the front-end.

With no dependencies required, no embedded content, no audio or video blocks on the page, the scripts were not used at all. The lates version of Lighthouse – 3.4.8 – adds an option to deregister these scripts.

Lighthouse - mediaelement.js
Lighthouse – mediaelement.js

Make sure you clean up your WordPress site and update your Lighthouse plugin to version 3.4.8 or higher.

Did you know Lighthouse has an Instant Loading feature?

What’s next for Lighthouse?

Based on user feedback and our own measurements, a major version is coming this year, with improved option detection. Basically, all filters and hooks in Lighthouse are triggered only if an option is set or is affected by another option. This will improve the plugin start-up time and subsequent execution on every page load.

Another major improvement is option caching, avoiding any database interaction for normal user traffic.

Stay tuned for


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