SpeedFactor Update: Beta2

on in SEO, Blog
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The second major update for SpeedFactor is now available for an ultimate round of testing! It also brings the service to Beta2 phase.

Since the first beta release, we have improved the performance, we have tweaked the Key Factors and Speed Factors charts to start from zero (in order to provide better visibility for full 30-day charts) and we have added a Beta SEOFactor report. It’s very Beta, and it’s inside a Beta product, so… Betaception.

This is an important milestone as we progress toward the SpeedFactor release date. Right now, we think the new version is ready for moving into the Design phase, but we need more beta testing. SpeedFactor is scheduled to be released on November 1st, but we need your help to get there — if you haven’t tried it yet, now is the time! It’s free!

A detailed changelog will be part of our next phase (Beta3), but you can get a quick overview by reading below:

SPEED: Code performance improvements
SPEED: Caching improvements
FEATURE: SEOFactor (Beta)

What’s Planned for the Beta 3 Phase?

  • Site settings (edit, remove)
  • Notifications settings (daily/weekly summary email)
  • SEOFactor improvements
  • More code performance improvements
  • More testing

What’s Planned for the Design Phase?

  • Split reports into categories (speed, security, SEO, settings)
  • Clean up the reports page
  • Create a modern UI kit
  • More testing


  • Dark theme (switch)

Note that SpeedFactor won’t work in Internet Explorer or other old or obscure browsers.

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