NEW! Admin Menu Tree Page View 2.8 Refactoring Update
The tree-view plugin that just works.
Sneaky powerful tree-view layout
Admin Menu Tree Page View is a super addition to any CMS-like WordPress installation that uses lots of post types (posts, pages, custom post types) in a tree hierarchy.
The Admin Menu Tree Page View plugin adds a tree-view layout to all your pages โ directly accessible in the admin menu. This way, all your content will be available with just one click, no matter where you are in the admin area.
You can also add pages directly in the tree, and you can quickly find your pages by using the real-time search box.
There are options to add pages directly in the tree, view pages, and you even find your pages by using the search-as-you-type-function (you got to try that one, itโs marvelous!)
If, for any reason, you need the pre-2.8 version, see below:
= 2.8.3 =
* FIX: Removed top-level menu and moved it to the Settings menu
* FIX: Removed the Content tab and made the Dashboard default
* FIX: Used proper semver versioning to avoid issues with the repository
= 2.8.2 =
* UPDATE: Reverted adding all public post types
* UPDATE: Reverted removal of the page tree from the admin menu
= 2.8.1 =
* FIX: Fixed and improved sorting to adhere to the latest jQuery UI included with WordPress 6+
* FIX: Fixed caching issues with the tree view after re-ordering content
* UPDATE: Added a "Tree View" menu item under each public post type for easier access
* UPDATE: Added a "Settings" link on the "Plugins" screen
* UI: Fixed dropdown size by decreasing the font size
* UI: Fixed post/page pop-up margin and padding for the list of new post/pages
* UI: Fixed post/page pop-up misaligned radio boxes by removing the margin and adding padding
* UI: Added placeholder element when reordering posts and pages
* PERFORMANCE: Removed legacy nestedSortable add-on for jQuery UI
= 2.8.0 =
* UPDATE: Refactored plugin to use a top level menu page
* UPDATE: Added all public post types
* UPDATE: Removed expand/collapse functionality
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
* PERFORMANCE: Removed cookies
* PERFORMANCE: Removed unused files
* PERFORMANCE: Removed external images
= 2.7.7 =
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
* UPDATE: Updated copyright year
* UPDATE: Added WPCS ruleset
= 2.7.6 =
* FIX: Fixed global variable
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
= 2.7.5 =
* FIX: Added properly enqueued scripts (changed hook from `admin_init` to `admin_enqueue_scripts`, added version number and moved scripts to footer)
* UPDATE: Updated PHP compatibility (PHP 7+)
= 2.7.4 =
* FIX: Fixed +/- icon being too "fussy"
* FIX: Fixed PHP 8 warning
* UPDATE: Updated PHP compatibility
* UPDATE: Removed unused files
* UPDATE: Standardized plugins_url() path and removed some obsolete constants