Similar to my previous article on how to add/inject a CSS stylesheet using Vanilla JavaScript, this is how you load a JavaScript file on demand and execute any dependent functions.
function loadFile(filePath) {
// Create a <script> tag, set its source
let scriptTag = document.createElement('script');
// And listen to it
scriptTag.onload = function (loadEvent) {
// This function is an event handler of the script tag
// Make sure this file actually loads instead of a cached version
// Add a timestamp onto the URL (i.e. file.js?bust=12345678)
let cacheBuster = '?bust=' + new Date().getTime();
// Set the type of file and where it can be found
scriptTag.type = 'text/javascript';
scriptTag.src = filePath + cacheBuster;
// Finally add it to the <head>
function handleEvent() {
console.log('The file has been loaded. Do something else.');
// More code here
// Usage