SpeedFactor Roadmap

on in SpeedFactor
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During the initial development of SpeedFactor, there were lots of features to consider and there was no proper roadmap as everything was important and everything had to go in.

As the development progressed and SpeedFactor turned into a polished product, the roadmap started to take shape and new features started to be specced out and prioritized.

Here’s the current roadmap, for reference. Things and priorities might still change.

June 2020

  • Application upgrade.
    For faster overall page loading.
  • Implement Google’s new Web Vitals.
    Web Vitals is an initiative by Google to provide unified guidance for quality signals that are essential to delivering a great user experience on the web.
  • UX/UI improvements.
    Added a new dashboard view for a better bird’s eye view.

May 2020

  • Server upgrade.
    For faster auditing code and for more security features such as TLS/SSL, HTTP/2 and more.
  • Research Google’s new Web Vitals. Is it really useful for SpeedFactor customers?
    Web Vitals is an initiative by Google to provide unified guidance for quality signals that are essential to delivering a great user experience on the web.
  • Audit API improvement.
    Refactoring of the auditing API to allow for more frequent checks and on-demand auditing for all plans.

March 2020 – Phase 2

  • Dark UI
  • Contextual how-to’s, advice and tutorials.

January 2020 – Phase 1

  • Better branding.
  • UI improvements.
  • Contextual how-to’s, advice and tutorials.

December 2019 – Launch (Final)

  • The individual audits should share as much code as possible, to make them extendable.
  • More initial checks, as users might not want to wait 24 hours.
  • New content encoding checks for Brotli and GZip.
  • New raw DNS lookup check.
  • New DNS records check.
  • New MX Toolbox-style check.
  • Notifications.
  • Reports.
  • Pricing model tweaks.
  • Contextual how-to’s, advice and tutorials.

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