YouTube Playlist Player

Download YouTube Playlist Player plugin

Note #1: You can only have one YouTube playlist per post/page.

Note #2: If you are using a version lower than 4.6.8, please update your plugin now! Version 4.6.8 fixes a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability (props yuyudhn via Patchstack), version 4.6.5 fixes a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability (props Skalucy via Patchstack) and version 4.6.4 fixes a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability (props Yudha P. via Patchstack).

YouTube Players/Shortcodes

Static YouTube Playlist Player

Example: [yt_playlist mainid="xcJtL7QggTI" vdid="xcJtL7QggTI, AheYbU8J5Tc, X0zGS4-UKgg, 74SZXCQb44s, 2M0XCH9q3YI, CTNgVQGLy24, B8RpvoHsgI8"]

YouTube V3 API Playlist Player

Example: [yt_playlist_v3 mainid="xcJtL7QggTI" vdid="xcJtL7QggTI, AheYbU8J5Tc, X0zGS4-UKgg, 74SZXCQb44s, 2M0XCH9q3YI, CTNgVQGLy24, B8RpvoHsgI8"]

YouTube Channel Videos with Lightbox Player

Example: [yt_feed channels="UC7WCtSNKb7MGjdzu8Btkg_g" results="9"]

Channel: Garbage Band

Channel: National Geographic



= 4.7.1 =
* FIX: Fixed a missing JavaScript dependency

= 4.7.0 =
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
* UPDATE: Updated the channels shortcode to use Grid instead of Flexbox CSS
* UPDATE: Reduced the number of tags to 5

= 4.6.9 =
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility

= 4.6.8 =
* FIX: Fixed Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability (props yuyudhn via Patchstack)

= 4.6.7 =
* FIX: Fixed missing scripts and styles for the new channel feed feature

= 4.6.6 =
* FEATURE: Added YouTube channel feeds
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility

= 4.6.5 =
* FIX: Fixed Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability (props Skalucy via Patchstack)
* UPDATE: Updated PHP coding standards
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility

= 4.6.4 =
* FIX: Fixed Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability (props Yudha P. via Patchstack)
* UPDATE: Updated copyright year
* UPDATE: Removed unused patterns from PHPCS ruleset

= 4.6.3 =
* UPDATE: Updated author banner
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility for pre-5.0 versions
* UPDATE: Updated WPCS ruleset
* UPDATE: Replaced back-end PNG image with inline SVG

= 4.6.2 =
* FIX: Fixed wrong class in plugin documentation
* FIX: Clarified usage in plugin documentation and readme.txt
* UPDATE: Added cleanup routine after plugin uninstallation (delete 6 options)
* UPDATE: Updated readme.txt with shortcodes and features

= 4.6.1 =
FIX: Fixed a content filtering issue with “Rate my post” plugin (props @sabelya)
UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility

= 4.6.0 =
FIX: Removed a redundant variable
UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
UPDATE: Updated codebase to conform to latest WordPress Coding Standards (WPCS) ruleset

= 4.5.9 =
FIX: Fixed documentation link
UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility

= 4.5.8 =
UPDATE: Updated PHP 8 compatibility
UPDATE: Added lazy loading for iframes
UPDATE: Implemented strict use for JavaScript

= 4.5.7 =
UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
UPDATE: Removed old, unused code

= 4.5.6 =
FIX: Fixed aspect-ratio for Firefox and Safari (props @sabelya)
UPDATE: Updated PHP coding standards (function naming)
UPDATE: Updated plugin assets

= 4.5.5 =
* FIX: Sanitized URL parameter in back-end
* UPDATE: Combined and minified JavaScript
* UPDATE: Minified CSS
* UPDATE: Optimized DOM loaded functions
* PERFORMANCE: Removed setInterval() for detecting YouTube iframe
* PERFORMANCE: Added version number to CSS to break caching
* PERFORMANCE: Removed heavy JavaScript for detecting video aspect ratio
* PERFORMANCE: Implemented modern CSS aspect-ratio for Core Web Vitals compatibility

= 4.5.4 =
* FIX: Fixed YouTube API V3 demo
* FIX: Fixed YouTube API V3 click event (switched to event delegation)
* UPDATE: Updated classic playlist JavaScript to ES6
* UPDATE: Updated readme.txt links
* UPDATE: Added donation link

= 4.5.3 =
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility

= 4.5.2 =
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
* UPDATE: Updated JavaScript to ES6
* FIX: Fix version number for enqueued scripts

= 4.5.1 =
* FIX: Fixed issue with playlist not appearing
* FIX: Fixed issue with playlist styling
* UPDATE: Refactored JS for less overhead
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
* UPDATE: Updated demo link

= 4.5.0 =
* UPDATE: Updated PHP requirements
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility

= 4.4.1 =
* FIX: Fixed a strict check
* FIX: Added spaces removal for V3 shortcode (main video)
* FIX: Added spaces removal for V3 shortcode (playlist)

= 4.4.0 =
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
* UPDATE: Removed jQuery dependency
* UPDATE: Forced cache clearing for JavaScript actions

= 4.3.5 =
* UPDATE: Code quality fixes
* UPDATE: Updated JavaScript DOM loading detection

= 4.3.4 =
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
* UPDATE: Mobile UI tweaks

= 4.3.3 =
* FIX: Fixed localized issue not saving options

= 4.3.2 =
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
* UPDATE: Added new screenshots
* UPDATE: UI tweaks

= 4.3.1 =
* FIX: Removed old code
* UPDATE: Refactored and moved player functions
* UPDATE: Added YouTube related options
* UPDATE: Removed unused option
* UPDATE: Added more documentation (+ YouTube API how-to)
* UPDATE: Added more/better YouTube branding

= 4.3 =
* FIX: Loaded JS/CSS assets only when shortcode is present
* FEATURE: Added YouTube API V3
* FEATURE: Added new settings screen
* FEATURE: Added new shortcode
* UPDATE: Added a bit of documentation
* UPDATE: Added more/better YouTube branding

= 4.2.4 =
* FIX: YouTube Branding fixes
* FIX: Author box layout fixes

= 4.2.3 =
* FIX: Regression fix for previous version (added interval checking)

= 4.2.2 =
* FIX: Fixed player detection before being loaded

= 4.2.1 =
* FIX: Fixed JS code being executed on all pages
* UPDATE: Updated readme.txt

= 4.2 =
* FIX: Added PHP compatibility
* FIX: Fixed/updated old screenshots
* FIX: Removed jQuery dependency
* FIX: Fixed JS codeflow
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
* UPDATE: Updated readme.txt and general information

= 4.1.6 =
* FIX: Fixed script being included before jQuery
* FIX: Fixed duplicated variable assignment
* FIX: Fixed strict variable assignment
* FIX: Removed unused colour picker script
* UPDATE: Updated plugin usage details
* UPDATE: Small admin UI tweaks
* UPDATE: Removed `novd` argument and switched to internal count

= 4.1.5 =
* PERFORMANCE: Stopped options from autoloading
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
* UPDATE: Better i18n options
* UPDATE: Removed unused colour option

= 4.1.4 =
* FIX: Removed version constant
* FIX: Better security tweaks
* UPDATE: Updated admin menu name to reflect the plugin

= 4.1.3 =
* FIX: License update
* FIX: Official link update

= 4.1.2 =
* FIX: Fixed color picker enqueue dependency
* UPDATE: Moved all JS code to a separate file
* UPDATE: Changed the main video playlist function (JS) to accept parameters

= 4.1.1 =
* FIX: Removed hardcoded background colour
* FIX: Removed hardcoded padding and increased margin
* FIX: Correctly enqueued style.css
* UPDATE: Updated default height and added option autoloading
* UPDATE: Completely refactored YouTube Javascript
* UPDATE: Removed all Flash (SWFObject) dependencies

= 4.1.0 =
* FIX: Added index.php file to plugin root
* UPDATE: Updated plugin URLs
* UPDATE: Updated CSS styles for better compatibility

= 4.0.1 =
* UPDATE: Added getButterfly ad box

= 4.0.0 =
* FIX: Changed all HTTP links to HTTPS
* FIX: Updated YouTube API and removed all deprecated functions and parameters
* FIX: Removed parameters with same values as the default ones
* FIX: Cleaned up the code (slight performance increase)
* FIX: Fixed rare cases of line ending issues
* UI: Removed background color for better theme integration

= 3.2.0 =
* FIX: Fixed IFRAME name target
* FEATURE: Added responsiveness

= 3.1.0 =
* FIX: Fixed a PHP warning
* FIX: Removed deprecated options nonce
* FEATURE: Added usage details on the plugin page
* PROMOTION: Added link to premium version on CodeCanyon

= 3.0.2 =
* Added license link
* Added donate link
* Added default options
* Fixed wrong internal version

= 3.0.1 =
* Added CSS vendor prefixes

= 3.0.0 =
* Initial release