The Best Full-Featured, Modular WordPress Image Gallery Plugin
ImagePress is a WordPress image gallery plugin used to generate user image galleries. Users can upload images, categorize them, tag them, and collect them into public or private collections. Images are grouped into separate sortable and filterable galleries. ImagePress generates user profiles, user portfolios and user cards. Also, the plugin allows for front-end login, registration, and password forgotten forms.
Trusted by over 10,000 WordPress websites
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Rated 4.5 / 5
“Amazing support and plugin!
Support was 10/10 and helped me solve a few issues I had with the Pro version. Would recommend to anyone needing users to upload images to their wedding website.”
ImagePress Gallery Demo

Drag & Drop Uploader
Easily upload your photos by dragging them from your computer.
Image Gallery Grid Templates
Use prebuilt grid templates to customize the appearance of your image gallery.
Responsive & Mobile Friendly
Build responsive WordPress image galleries and websites that work on any device.
Organize photos in collections and display them on your website.
Sorting & Filtering
Sort and filter photos in your image galleries based on multiple criteria.
Advanced User Profiles
User profiles, front-end management, cover photos, tabbed section and more!
User Awards
Reward your users with awards and titles.
Additional Photos & Videos
Add additional images (variants, progress shots, making of, etc.)
Extensive Admin Section
Lots of configuration options and behaviour settings.
Developer Options
Add custom features such as notifications, hooks, and white label profiles.
Some features of the ImagePress WordPress image gallery plugin include image uploading, image editing, image variants, detail shots, progress shots (à la Behance). ImagePress generates user profiles, user portfolios and user cards. Also, the plugin allows for front-end login, registration, and password forgotten forms.
Some features include author profiles and portfolios, custom avatars, cover images (à la Facebook), front-end profile editing, front-end registration and login, and more.
The plugin is able to create standalone websites, like CGSociety, ArtStation, PropertyPin, CG Cookie or PosterSpy. The level of customization includes colours, fonts, templates, dimensions and switchable features. No two websites will be the same.
ImagePress Showcase
- PosterSpy – Leading art community for alternative poster artists
- QuakeWiki – A great collection of all things Quake for 15+ years
- Aeroflight – The website for aviation enthusiasts
- CoPA Milwaukee – Coalition of Photographic Arts
- PropertyPin – The social curation website and premier visual bookmarking platform designed for sharing and categorizing property images found online.
🌟 ImagePress Reviews
What customers are saying
Best image upload gallery and fast support!
Great support for his product. Response is GREAT and so are the updates!
Tough to pick just 1 main reason for the rating. The features of this plugin are excellent and the developers are super responsive and helpful. Within 6 months they: implemented a feature request I suggested, helped debug multiple functionality issues that cropped up, spent a lot of time making things right. Highly recommend this plugin to anyone who is in need of image gallery functionality. I used this to create an application that allows members to sign up and create and manage their own user galleries.
Thanks to this plugin I was able to create an aerial photo community website in no-time. I encountered some bugs and minor issues during the setup process but the support by the developer was excellent. 5 stars!
We are so pleased with this product, and the support from the author has been over the top. We will recommend buying from the author anytime. When you have payed for your product, the response and help you get via mail is really a 5 star support.
This plug works fantastic and is very easy to use, but the real reason for my 5 star rating is the authors super-fast, extremely helpful customer service! As a web developer, I deal with a lot of different products, and his customer service is amongst the best I've experienced. Job well done!
This photo gallery plugin is unique in its design and in its support. The developer is very cooperative and professional and addresses all the buyers' concerns immediately.
Excellent product, couldn't find anything like it that exists anymore, and it's by far one of the best plug-ins I've ever used. Also, the customer support is stellar, the developer will go above and beyond to help you in any way humanly possible. Definitely worth every penny.
ImagePress is the perfect solution for what I needed to make. It was easy to implement and the one difficulty I had (totally my fault, I simply overlooked a setting) was solved by the author's prompt, courteous and precise customer support.
Ciprian goes above and beyond for support. Plug-in is awesome, but I think the attention to customer support really goes a long way.
Excellent customer support, ImagePress is now running smoothly and performing well.
Backend screenshots

Frontend screenshots

ImagePress - WordPress Image Gallery Plugin - getButterfly

ImagePress is a WordPress image gallery plugin used to generate user image galleries. Users can upload images, categorize them, tag them, and collect them into public or private collections. Images are grouped into separate sortable and filterable galleries. ImagePress generates user profiles, user portfolios and user cards. Also, the plugin allows for front-end login, registration, and password forgotten forms.
Product SKU: 109721
Product Currency: EUR
Product Price: 22
Product In-Stock: InStock
View Changelog
= 8.4.6 =
* Fix anonymous names not appearing correctly in various places
= 8.4.5 =
* Fix wrong image size option names
* Fix undefined variable when no author ID is assigned to an image
* Add option to show/hide more images by the same author
* Hide avatar if user is anonymous
* Try to remove the featured image and any other duplicate images form the single image template
= 8.4.2 =
* Fix anonymous user name in more places
= 8.4.1 =
* Improve uploader and add image preview
* Fix anonymous images being assigned to admin after approval
* Remove pinning feature as it did not get enough traction
= 8.3.9.=
* Further sanitize and escape various strings and variables
* Switch TTF with WOFF for Akar icons
= 8.3.8 =
* Fix collection modal colours
* Replace Icofont icons with Akar icons and save 1+ MB
* Only load Tagify on the uploader page and remove all other repository files
= 8.3.7 =
* Fix gallery filter placeholders
* Fix text colour for Overlay card designs
* Fix wrong version number triggering constant update notifications
= 8.3.6 =
* Add new image size
* Add 4 more image card designs
* Add accent colour for specific card designs
* Add wide layout for the single image template
* Check for sorter elements before initializing them
* Properly enqueue scripts in one action only (instead of multiple)
* Remove huge changelog and replace with link
* Remove invalid/unused shortcodes
= 8.3.5 =
* FIX: Remove unused function to list image sizes
* FIX: Improve performance when bulk uploading images
= 8.3.4 =
* FEATURE: Add a progress bar for bulk uploading images
* FEATURE: Add global author option (all images are assigned to a predefined author)
* FEATURE: Add WebP support for dominant colours
* UPDATE: Update WordPress compatibility
= 8.3.3 =
* FIX: Format collections code to better identify issues
* FIX: Add missing form element styles for buttons
* FEATURE: Add new image card design template
* FEATURE: Add new front-end bulk image upload feature
* UPDATE: Remove dependency for dominant colours
* UPDATE: Implement a daily collection cleanup CRON job
* UPDATE: Add back-end styles for the <details> element
= 8.3.2 =
* FEATURE: Add custom class to the loop (`ip-boxes-container` element)
* FEATURE: Add custom (user created) categories
= 8.3.1 =
* FIX: Show like count when not logged in
* FEATURE: Add image pinning module
* FEATURE: Add keyword taxonomy
* FEATURE: Add image lightbox for the single image template
* FEATURE: Add search by colour
* FEATURE: Add automatic background updates
* UPDATE: Tweak image card UI
* PERFORMANCE: Remove RoarJS styles
= 8.3.0 =
* FIX: Fix bulk upload button issue
* FEATURE: Add fancy dropdown colour theme (light/dark)
* FEATURE: Refactor the ImagePress loop to follow the latest WPCS/PHPCS guidelines
* UPDATE: Remove custom checkbox/radiobox styles
* UPDATE: Remove Linearicons copyright, as no icons are used
* UPDATE: Remove unused variable
= 8.2.14 =
* FIX: Fix selected filter fields being echoed instead of returned
* FEATURE: Add new fancy select dropdown library for ImagePress loop filters
* FEATURE: Add Media Library bulk image publishing
* UPDATE: Increase PHP requirements to PHP 7.2
* UI: Refactor image cards title, name and avatar
= 8.2.13 =
* SECURITY: Add file type restriction to image uploader
* FIX: Add constrained layout option for profile covers
* FIX: Remove unused `q` argument from ImagePress loop filters
* UPDATE: Remove block editor dependency for additional/variant images
* UPDATE: Update WordPress compatibility
= 8.2.12 =
* FIX: Fixed image upload filesize limit not working server-side
= 8.2.11 =
* FIX: Check if the "author" parameter is numeric before using it
* FEATURE: Add image removal option
* UPDATE: Update WordPress compatibility
* UPDATE: Remove unused code
= 8.2.9 =
* FIX: Only allow images to be uploaded in the secondary uploader
* FIX: Update code (WPCS)
* FIX: Remove CodeFactor integration
= 8.2.8 =
* FIX: Fix missing pagination parameter
* FEATURE: Add image carousel shortcode
* UPDATE: Update WordPress compatibility
= 8.2.7 =
* FIX: Fix issue with image not being editable
= 8.2.6 =
* FIX: Add fallback Like/Unlike labels
* FIX: Remove duplicated comments template from the single image example template
* FIX: Remove white border from the avatar on the single image template
* FIX: Rename several actions to avoid confusion
* FEATURE: Switch the profile form to a custom form, instead of hooking into the user profile editor
* FEATURE: Improve profile front-end and editor user interface
* UPDATE: Add the Terms & Conditions agreement checkbox inside a label element
* UPDATE: Improve post view count restricting its context to single images only
* UPDATE: Move Like/Unlike labels to native WordPress options
* UPDATE: Change user profile image order to date-based, instead of custom (menu order)
= 8.2.5 =
* FIX: Fix profile cover image background size not stretching to cover the entire area
* FIX: Fix issue with nonce being printed instead of returned
* FIX: Add the same design to all image card instances
* FIX: Add option to delete attached images when deleting parent image
* FEATURE: Tweak the Clear and Modern card designs
* UPDATE: Remove font-related CSS
= 8.2.4 =
* FIX: Fix undefined or uninitialized variables
* FIX: Refactor image card CSS
* FEATURE: Add 2 new image card templates
* FEATURE: Add new-user onboarding
* UPDATE: Update WordPress compatibility
= 8.2.3 =
* FIX: Fix issue with profile content being displayed when the shortcode is used in the back-end
* FIX: Fix issue with permissions for AJAX calls when using content restriction and admin-ajax.php
= 8.2.2 =
* FIX: Revert fix for WordPress 6.3
* FIX: Only show thumbnail in the back-end for images (no other post types)
* FIX: Remove conflicting CSS declaration from Thin UI
* UPDATE: Improve collections modal dialog
* UPDATE: Update code (WPCS)
* UPDATE: Various UI updates
* UPDATE: Refactor image gallery grid
* UPDATE: Remove Thin UI for forms and inline Critical CSS
* UPDATE: Remove Thin UI library
* UPDATE: Remove jQuery dependency
= 8.2.1 =
* FIX: Fixed single image title style
* FIX: Removed conflicting Thin UI styles from the plugin's stylesheet
* FEATURE: Added native function to get downloadable attachment ID
* UPDATE: Updated Thin UI library to latest version (2.1.1)
* UPDATE: Updated Thin UI elements to latest version
= 8.2.0 =
* FEATURE: Added a new image size option to the single image template
* FEATURE: Added downloadable image option (alpha)
* FEATURE: Added tutorial on how to add a filter for a downloadable image
* FIX: Fixed issue with visible Awards title for non-admins
* FIX: Fixed mobile view for the single image template
* FIX: Fixed login URL for the login shortcode
* SECURITY: Added better security for non-admin users (prevent access to Dashboard)
* UI: Removed button styling from Follow/Unfollow links
* UI: Refactored user profile tabs
* UI: Improved single image template
* UPDATE: Implemented Thin UI for image grids
* UPDATE: Implemented grid width (default, wide or fullwidth)
* UPDATE: Added missing grid class to the collections shortcode
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
= 8.1.9 =
* FIX: Removed unnecessary condition
* FEATURE: Exposed public collections
* FEATURE: Added option for full width user profile cover
* UPDATE: Added contextual help for the image template
* UPDATE: Allowed custom image template override in theme folder
* UPDATE: Made description and collection optional
* UPDATE: Improved loop filters usability
* UPDATE: Cleaned up user profile section
= 8.1.8 =
* FIX: Added missing dependencies and ImagePress version to admin enqueued scripts and styles
* FIX: Removed unused script
* FEATURE: Added name and email for guest submissions
* FEATURE: Added default upload category option
* FEATURE: Added custom updater
* FEATURE: Added image category parameter to the [imagepress] shortcode
* UPDATE: Moved author-related functions to its own file
* UPDATE: Tweaked the GB Ad element
* UPDATE: Updated code (WPCS)
= 8.1.7 =
* FIX: Implemented pagination and equal height for Cinnamon cards
* FIX: Ordered Cinnamon cards by image count
* FEATURE: Implemented Cinnamon card width to allow for full row vs card design
* UPDATE: Updated code (WPCS)
= 8.1.6 =
* FIX: Fixed Cinnamon card layout
* FIX: Fixed layout of author cards
* FIX: Fixed undefined option (secondary uploads)
* FIX: Updated Codacy badge
* UPDATE: Added new module for member-related functionality
* UPDATE: Updated code (WPCS)
= 8.1.5 =
* FIX: Fixed string to array conversion
* FEATURE: Added single image template, regardless of theme setup
* UPDATE: Renamed imagepress_image_category taxonomy to image-category
* UPDATE: Improved plugin's Dashboard welcome section
* UPDATE: Improved default form design for the upload form and the profile update form
= 8.1.3 =
* FIX: Sanitized collection queries
* UPDATE: Added Icofont library to prevent Font Awesome conflicts
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
* UPDATE: Removed Font Awesome library
= 8.1.2 =
* FIX: Fixed function typo
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
* UPDATE: Updated FontAwesome (5.15.2 -> 5.15.3)
* FEATURE: Added single collection shortcode
= 8.1.1 =
* UPDATE: Updated all constant prefixes
* UPDATE: Updated all PHP function names
* UPDATE: Updated all PHP class names
* UPDATE: Updated all PHP global variables
* UPDATE: Updated all action/filter hooks
* UPDATE: Updated all script handles
* UPDATE: Updated all style handles
* UPDATE: Updated all image size names
= 8.1.0 =
* FIX: Fixed profile editing link for mismatched user_login and username
* FIX: Added option to turn the lightbox on or off
* FIX: Fixed PHP 8 notice
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
* UPDATE: Updated PHP compatibility
* UPDATE: Removed Dropbox upload option
* UPDATE: Removed inline CSS
* UPDATE: Removed inline JavaScript
* UPDATE: Added strict mode to JavaScript
* UPDATE: Updated all prefixes to use imagepress_ (3 chars or more)
* UPDATE: Fixed demo links
* UPDATE: Updated SortableJS library to latest version
* UPDATE: Updated HalkaBoxJS library to latest version
* UPDATE: Changed deprecated onclick() insline functions
* UPDATE: Removed unused .ip-tab/.ip-tabs classes
= 8.0.0 =
* FIX: Removed non-functional image search
* FIX: Fixed missing pagination
* FIX: Fixed layout issue with Author Tools
* FIX: Fixed duplicate image collection
* FIX: Fixed collection styling for consistency
* UPDATE: Removed upload limits (implementation was JavaScript-based and not reliable)
* UPDATE: Removed feed (feature adoption was low)
* UPDATE: Removed front-end bulk uploader (implementation was done for several customers only)
* UPDATE: Removed tags (they have been disabled for the past 4 minor versions)
* UPDATE: Removed pre-7.8 cleanup feature (starting fresh)
* UPDATE: Removed option to enable/disable image views (performance gain)
* UPDATE: Removed custom fields (never implemented 100%, potentially breaking)
* UPDATE: Used Gutenberg gallery for secondary images
* FEATURE: Moved grid display to Flex
= 7.9.3 =
* FIX: Added missing translation domain for several strings
* FIX: Removed some unneccessary condition fallbacks (+speed)
* FIX: Used strict comparison for some conditions (+security)
* FIX: Removed unused filter (+compatibility)
* FIX: Fixed undefined variable
* UPDATE: Code compliance updates
* UPDATE: Refactored several JS functions
* UPDATE: Removed jQuery Masonry and replaced it with CSS Masonry
= 7.9.2 =
* FIX: Fixed secondary images not being displayed
* UPDATE: Added option to disable image views
* UPDATE: Added option to delete image likes
* UPDATE: Added option to delete image views
* UPDATE: Added feature to limit uploads by user role
* UPDATE: Refactored more jQuery to JavaScript code
* UPDATE: Refactored code to eliminate duplication
= 7.9.1 =
* UPDATE: Added image anchor class
* UPDATE: Admin content/body updates
* UPDATE: Removed jQuery UI (plus sortable, widget and mouse dependencies)
* UPDATE: Refactored image reordering using Sortable.js
* UPDATE: Changed profile editor page to use an ID instead of an absolute URL
* UPDATE: Removed unused styles
= 7.9.0 =
* FIX: Fixed responsive styles
* FIX: Fixed hardcoded non-translated English assumptions (it's a mouthful)
* UPDATE: Updated translations with missing strings
* UPDATE: Replaced social icons with FontAwesome
* UPDATE: Updated FontAwesome (5.0.13 -> 5.1.0)
* UPDATE: Removed image rel tag
* UPDATE: Code compliance updates
* UPDATE: Admin content/body updates
* UPDATE: Moved feed module to ImagePress Elements
* UPDATE: Removed custom notifications functionality
* UPDATE: Updated Gutenberg compatibility
= 7.8.2 =
* FIX: Fixed displayed text instead of returned
* FIX: Fixed several missing styles for collections
* UPDATE: FontAwesome is back, with a vengeance (5.0.13)
* UPDATE: Removed all deprecated SVG files and related CSS
* UPDATE: Removed "featured" images functionality
= 7.8.1 =
* FIX: Fixed category assignment for bulk uploads
* FIX: Fixed post slug when using Author Tools
* GDPR: Removed occupational field meta
* GDPR: Removed employer meta
* GDPR: Removed location meta
* GDPR: Removed status meta
* UPDATE: Added profile editor link and logout link to cinnamon-login
= 7.8.0 =
* FIX: Fixed user role argument for author cards
* UPDATE: Added custom post type filter (template override is not required anymore)
* UPDATE: UI tweaks
* UPDATE: Added title to image anchor links to help with lightbox titles
* UPDATE: Removed deprecated theme-dependent JavaScript
* UPDATE: Refactored bulk uploader (BREAKING)
* UPDATE: Refactored single image template (BREAKING)
* UPDATE: Updated RoarJS library to latest version (1.0.5)
= 7.7.8 =
* UPDATE: Replaced SweetAlert2 library with Roar (+speed)
* UPDATE: Removed all generic CSS styles (+compatibility)
* UPDATE: Restyled/reset all form elements
= 7.7.7 =
* FIX: Fixed issue with missing SQL variable
* FIX: Fixed issue with incorrect slug variable
= 7.7.6 =
* FIX: Fixed issue with JavaScript DOM loading detection
* FIX: Fixed plugin version inconsistencies
= 7.7.5 =
* FIX: Fixed issue with profile fields not being updated if empty
* FIX: Code quality fixes
= 7.7.4 =
* FIX: Renamed modal class to avoid conflicts with Bootstrap
* FIX: Use the same image grid structure everywhere (gallery, profile, collections)
* FIX: Fixed a countable issue in PHP 7.2
* FEATURE: Allow all file types for secondary uploads (PDFs, videos, etc.)
= 7.7.3 =
* FIX: Fixed image width for singular pages
* FIX: Removed image ordering capability on mobile devices
* UPDATE: Removed FontAwesome (+speed, -weight)
* UPDATE: Updated all icons and symbols (+speed, +compatibility)
* UPDATE: Updated sweetAlert2 library (+speed)
* UPDATE: Added default, native drag&drop upload (+speed)
* UPDATE: Removed EZDZ library (+speed, -weight)
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
* UI: Removed several redundant icons
= 7.7.2 =
* FIX: Removed unused CSS stylesheets (-weight)
* UPDATE: Merged CSS reset stylesheet (+speed)
* UPDATE: Updated sweetAlert2 library (+speed)
* UPDATE: Removed a redundant condition (+speed)
* UPDATE: Removed getButterfly logo (-weight)
* UPDATE: Refactored settings page (+speed)
* UPDATE: Removed FontAwesome from Dashboard (+speed)
* UPDATE: Removed profile verification (-confusion)
* UI: Removed several icons
= 7.7.1 =
* FIX: Fixed collection maintenance action
* TODO: Gutenberg compatibility
* TODO: Merge uploaders (single and bulk)
* TODO: More functional approach in order to decrease code complexity
= 7.7.0 =
* FIX: Fixed URL strings
* FIX: Fixed (non)countable arrays
* FIX: Removed social hub stub
* UPDATE: Added most liked images shortcode
* UPDATE: Removed old (unused) functions
* UPDATE: Removed unused labels
* UPDATE: Removed hardcoded video post meta
* UPDATE: Removed hardcoded imagepress author post meta
* UPDATE: Removed hardcoded imagepress email post meta
* UPDATE: Refactored upload limits/restrictions
* UPDATE: Updated CoreJS library for better IE compatibility
* FEATURE: Added cleanup/migration script for ImagePress pre-7.7
* FEATURE: Converted browser confirmations to sweetAlert2 library
= 7.6.9 =
* FIX: Removed font icon pseudo elements for performance reasons
= 7.6.8 =
* FIX: Fixed missing FontAwesome icons
* UPDATE: Updated FontAwesome to latest version (5.0.8)
= 7.6.7 =
* FIX: Fixed bulk uploader
* UPDATE: Added collections to bulk updater
* UPDATE: Removed GitHub updater as it's not appropriate for Envato files
* UPDATE: Updated drag & drop uploader to latest version (0.6.1)
= 7.6.6 =
* FIX: Fixed missing file
= 7.6.5 =
* UPDATE: Fixed profile page when no profile is specified
* UPDATE: Updated FontAwesome to version 5
= 7.6.4 =
* UPDATE: Removed lazy loading as it affected several themes
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
= 7.6.3 =
* FIX: Fixed SQL bug
= 7.6.2 =
* FIX: Fixed bug introduced in previous development version
* FIX: Fixed JS function being applied globally
* FIX: Fixed undefined shorthand jQuery
* FIX: Fixed registration not obeying WordPress native settings
* FIX: Code quality fixes
* FIX: Code performance fixes
* UPDATE: Updated documentation and copyright
* UPDATE: Moved login logic to main JS file for better performance
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress compatibility
= 7.5.8 =
* FIX: Fixed PHP notice
* FIX: Fixed documentation link
* FIX: Fixed incorrect check on image upload
* SECURITY: Sanitized MySQL queries
= 7.5.7 =
* FIX: Code quality fixes
* FIX: Removed unused code
* FIX: Fixed profile pages PHP notice
* FIX: Fixed updater filters globally impacting all `wp_remote_get` requests
* FIX: Fixed force-check parameter being ignored
* FIX: Fixed updater details link
* FIX: Fixed pagination issue with filters
* FIX: Fixed empty profiles when no user is provided
* FIX: Fixed empty collections when no collection is provided
= 7.5.6 =
* FIX: Fixed search query parameter with taxonomy filtering
* UI: Added media link to single image template
* UI: Fixed author tools layout (basic)
* UI: Added download icon to single image template
* UI: Added better mobile responsiveness for image grid
* UI: Removed icon labels for mobile screens (single page)
= 7.5.5 =
* FIX: Fixed author link in several places
= 7.5.4 =
* FIX: Fixed author link in several places
* FIX: Removed unused function make_clickable()
* FIX: Fixed display of the_content() on single pages to allow for filters
* UPDATE: Better contextual help for slug options
* UPDATE: Code quality updates
* UPDATE: Security updates
= 7.5.3 =
* FIX: Fixed author link in collections module
* FIX: Fixed server-specific request
* FIX: Fixed collections shortcode
* FIX: Fixed array operator
* FIX: Fixed unused function in image collections
* FIX: Fixed upload filter interfering with other mime types
* FIX: Fixed "load more" functionality on profile pages
* FIX: Fixed profile page to take into account usernames and nicknames
* UPDATE: Added REST support for image CPT and taxonomies
* UPDATE: Updated image quality filter
* UPDATE: Removed image resize option
* UPDATE: Code quality updates
* UPDATE: Security updates
= 7.5.2 =
* FIX: Fixed installation/upgrade routine
* FIX: Fixed user profile error
* UPDATE: Removed 4 unused (or troublesome) options
* UPDATE: [Breaking] Refactored the user profiles to work with any theme
* UPDATE: [Breaking] Introduced infinite lazy loading for profile page
* UPDATE: Image grid performance updates
* FEATURE: Set groundwork for data collection and tracking
= 7.4.3 =
* FIX: Added slug fallback
= 7.4.2 =
* FIX: Fixed deprecated author function
* FIX: Code analysis configuration
* UPDATE: General bug fixes and improvements
= 7.4 =
* UPDATE: General bug fixes and improvements
* UPDATE: Moved plugin options to array, making things faster
= 7.3 =
* FIX: Fixed wrong image ID variable in ImagePress widget shortcode
* FIX: Fixed colour reset affecting Noir UI theme
* FIX: Fixed bulk uploader UI not using the uploaded class
* UPDATE: Removed all notices and warnings and moved everything to the documentation
* UPDATE: Updated online documentation
* UPDATE: Added author nicename and link for collections (dashboard)
* FEATURE: Added new search field based on title and content
= 7.2.0 =
* BREAKING CHANGE: Replace all JS-powered loops with native WordPress loops
* UPDATED: Code refactoring
* FIX: Fixed image loop on user profile pages
* FIX: Fixed missing variable for native pagination
* FEATURE: Removed author.php template requirement
* FEATURE: Fixed and replaced user profiles behaviour (needs user action)
= 7.1.2 =
* FIX: Fixed custom image order for user profiles
* FIX: Fixed cinnamon-card shortcode to allow single authors
* TWEAK: Added a class to allow for a collection behaviour workaround
* FEATURE: Added extensions section
= 7.1.1 =
* FIX: Fixed contentEditable in image editor
* FIX: Fixed image box template and equalHeight template
* FIX: Switched include() with include_once() for functions.php to isolate an edge case
* FIX: Added missing collection option for the profile page tabs
* FIX: Fixed upload limit on user profile dashboard
* FEATURE: Added basic, default and masonry layouts for grid display
* FEATURE: Added new image template (overlaid text)
* UPDATE: Removed activity tab for performance reasons
= 7.1.0 =
* FIX: Fixed follow/unlinks links
* FIX: Fixed forced image download by not challenging mod_security (
* FIX: Removed an unused file
* FEATURE: New shortcode to display user upload quota
* FEATURE: Added options to increase/decrease/set user upload quota
* FEATURE: Added jQuery Masonry
* UPDATE: Updated users screen to include quota
* UPDATE: Removed user upload limits per role (breaking)
= 7.0.6 =
* FIX: Fixed collections modal background colour
* FIX: Fixed collections modal layout
* FIX: Fixed image title rename
= 7.0.5 =
* FIX: Fixed multiple category filtering
* FIX: Fixed a JS function being called when no images were loaded
* FIX: Fixed collections to work with non-standard permalinks settings
* UPDATE: Updated grid/pagination library
= 7.0.4 =
* FEATURE: Added a new shortcode parameter
= 7.0.3 =
* FIX: Fixed author name missing link in single pages
* FIX: Removed preferred software user field
* FIX: Updated avatar filtering priority
* FEATURE: Added image title editing
* UPDATE: Updated image editor
* UPDATE: Removed Noir UI-specific upload button option
* UPDATE: Removed like action-specific labels
* NOIR UI FIX: Fixed untranslated strings
* NOIR UI UPDATE: Removed upload button from header
* NOIR UI UPDATE: Main menu UI changes and cleanup for better readability
* NOIR UI UPDATE: Relocated notifications and avatar to main menu bar
* NOIR UI UPDATE: Updated image sidebar and removed bloated content
= 7.0.2 =
* FIX: Optimized database queries for gallery display
* UPDATE: Updated FontAwesome library to latest version (4.7.0)
= 7.0.1 =
* FIX: Fixed several deprecated jQuery functions
* FIX: Fixed rogue console messages
* FIX: Fixed unclickable profile links
= 7.0.0 =
* FIX: Checked (and fixed) PHP 7 compatibility
* FIX: Fixed wrong label
* FIX: Fixed a string conversion function
* FIX: Fixed an author detection filter gone rogue
* UPDATE: Merged 2 lightbox rel options
* UPDATE: Retired keywords module as it was not used by the plugin or theme
* UPDATE: Removed posts from user profile
* UPDATE: No changes are now required for author.php page (it only needs to exist)
* UPDATE: Removed converting 100,000 to 100K (keep it professional)
* UPDATE: Removed configurable padding improving grid performance (it can be reconfigured using custom CSS)
* UPDATE: Updated grid library to latest version
* FEATURE: Added link to documentation
* FEATURE: Added custom field parameter for imagepress-show
* FEATURE: Added Thin UI CSS framework
* PERFORMANCE: Merged 3 admin_menu actions
* PERFORMANCE: Moved several database calls outside the main ImagePress loop
= 6.9.0 =
* FIX: Fixed image size selection
* FEATURE: Added image size option to control number of images per row -
* FEATURE: Made pending images visible to authors (profile and image editor only) -
= 6.8.2 =
* FIX: Fixed image order being reversed due to profile image ordering -
= 6.8.1 =
* FIX: Fixed sortable fields to allow for selection of shortcodes
* FIX: Check for empty image file before upload
* UPDATE: Ordered dropdowns (categories, tags, keywords) alphabetically
* UI: Profile UI tweaks
* FEATURE: Added drag and drop uploader
= 6.8.0 =
* FIX: Fixed a label being defined but not used
* CHANGE: Changed "Biographical information" to "About" in user profile editor
= 6.7.0 =
* FIX: Fixed portfolio options being displayed even if disabled
* FIX: Fixed collection options being displayed even if disabled
* FIX: Fixed bulk uploader displaying first filename for all input fields
* FIX: Translated two hardcoded fields
* FIX: Saved name and email (as custom fields) for non-registered users
* FIX: Fixed an optional statistics item on user dashboard
= 6.6.2 =
* UPDATE: Updated WordPress version requirement
* UPDATE: Removed Noir UI tab (all options moved to Noir UI theme)
= 6.6.1 =
* FIX: Fixed a PHP 5.4 "function return value in write context" fatal error
* UPDATE: Added theme ad and more consistent support callout
* UPDATE: Updated FontAwesome library to latest version
= 6.6.0 =
* FIX: Fixed upload limit not picking up the global limit on some configurations
* FEATURE: Added option to switch between basic profile header and fancy profile header
* FEATURE: Added embed code for Sketchfab
* FEATURE: Added embed code for Youtube
* FEATURE: Added embed code for Vimeo
* FEATURE: Added embed code for Google Maps (static map)
* FEATURE: Added embed code for
* UPDATE: Removed upload limit from the bulk uploader
* UPDATE: Added dropdown (custom field)
= 6.5.7 =
* UPDATE: Added confirmation when setting featured image in Author Tools
= 6.5.6 =
* UPDATE: Removed client specific Bitbucket path
* UPDATE: Updated compatibility version
= 6.5.5 =
* FIX: Fixed author tools by removing an unused setting
* FIX: (Breaking change) Removed hardcoded location field
* FIX: Fixed maximum upload size calculation for author tools
* FIX: Fixed current user detection for collections
* UPDATE: Updated FontAwesome library to latest version
= 6.5.3 =
* FIX: Fixed image upload limit not being numeric in some rare instances
* I18N: Added Dutch (nl_NL) translation
= 6.5.2 =
* FIX: Fixed collections not registering status on creation
* FIX: Cleaned up old code running wp_ajax checks
= 6.5.1 =
* FIX: Fixed a PHP notice
* FIX: Added upload filters removal for filetype compatibility
= 6.5.0 =
* FIX: Fixed front-end editor location field
* UPDATE: Removed lazy loading for images
* UPDATE: Updated front-end editor
= 6.4.0 =
* FIX: Fixed author base/slug being dependent on the wrong action
* FIX: Fixed avatar user not being picked up due to missing global variable
* FIX: Fixed MySQL version displayed for debugging purposes
* UPDATE: General clean-up
* UPDATE: (Breaking change) Removed hardcoded Behance field
* UPDATE: (Breaking change) Removed hardcoded purchase field
* UPDATE: (Breaking change) Removed hardcoded print field
* FEATURE: Added custom fields
* COMPATIBILITY: PHP 7 compatibility
= 6.3.1 =
* UPDATE: Added CSS class to "No images found!" error (`.imagepress-not-found`)
* UPDATE: Removed an old template and some old CSS code
= 6.3.0 =
* UPDATE: Updated sorting and pagination library
* FIX: Fixed quotes escaping on collections frontend
* FIX: Fixed iframe styling for Youtube videos
* UI: Updated user profile tab behaviour
* UI: Changed wording from "Remove filters" to "All" for category sorter
= 6.2.7 =
* FIX: Fixed the "last seen" date
= 6.2.6 =
* FIX: Cleaned up the profile page, removed an unused global variable, removed unused CSS
* FIX: Removed HTTPS detection and replaces it with // (let the browser do the job)
* UPDATE: Added support for jetpack Publicize and WordPress markdown
* UPDATE: Changed default image quality from 100 to 82, according to WordPress 4.5 recommendations
* UPDATE: Added better wording and more contextual help for the collections feature
* UPDATE: Added responsiveness to author cards
* UPDATE: UI responsiveness tweaks
= 6.2.5 =
* UPDATE: Added contextual help for the new filters feature
* UPDATE: Removed Noir UI colour options from ImagePress
= 6.2.4 =
* FIX: Removed 'featured' category from the taxonomy filter
= 6.2.3 =
* FIX: Fixed some shortcodes and widgets using deprecated functions
* FIX: Fixed image views not being correctly initialized
* UPDATE: Added better documentation
* UPDATE: Various UI tweaks and improvements
* FEATURE: Added category/taxonomy filtering
= 6.2.2 =
* FIX: Fixed profile options not being set up properly (About and Activity)
* FIX: Fixed Google Maps URL
* FIX: Fixed an incorrect function name
= 6.2.1 =
* FIX: Added (init) default Noir UI options
* FIX: Improved PrettyPhoto compatibility and added gallery capability
* FIX: Renamed several CSS classes for better theme compatibility
* FIX: Added location to author tools
* FIX: Fixed FontAwesome URL
* UPDATE: Updated grid library and fixed several conflicts and performance issues
* UPDATE: Removed number of images per row and made all images responsive and adaptive to screen width
* UPDATE: Replaced radiobox sorter with a dropdown element for better theme compatibility and better styling
* UPDATE: Removed a deprecated function to get current user details
* UPDATE: Updated the lazy loading library
* UPDATE: Removed unused code from JS functions
* UPDATE: Improved some functions
* FEATURE: Added custom logo URL option (Noir UI theme)
= 6.1.0 =
* FIX: Fixed another rare issue with notifications database
* FIX: Removed non-functional zoom icon on single images
= 6.0.4 =
* FIX: Fixed category being set up as integer instead of name
* FIX: Fixed readme.txt installation steps numbering
* FIX: Fixed a rare issue with notifications database
= 6.0.3 =
* FIX: Renamed several functions to prevent conflicts
* FIX: Removed an unused function
* FIX: Removed an unused shortcode
* FIX: Fixed a value being both string and integer
* UPDATE: Updated custom post types and taxonomies registration arguments/parameters
* UPDATE: Various UI fixes and improvements
= 6.0.2 =
* FEATURE: Added upload limit per user role and username with a global fallback
* UPDATE: Improved PrettyPhoto compatibility
* FIX: Fixed search box being excluded from sorter
* FIX: Switched option loading to automatic
= 6.0.1 =
* Skipped and merged into 6.0.2
= 6.0.0 =
* Skipped and merged into 6.0.1
= 5.9.3 =
* FIX: Overhauled login and registration routines
* FIX: Removed email notification override
* FIX: Removed unused Email tab
* FIX: Merged Compatibility options with Settings
= 5.9.2 =
* COMPATIBILITY: Added new WordPress 4.4 admin styles
* COMPATIBILITY: Added Noir UI theme options
* FEATURE: Added Terms Of Use hook
* FEATURE: Added required fields to the upload form
* FIX: Fixed author images size (shortcode)
* FIX: Fixed JS error for empty lists
* FIX: Fixed JS issue with variable naming
* FIX: Fixed colour options for the custom login page
= 5.9.1 =
* FEATURE: Removed deprecated 'count' parameter
* FEATURE: Added custom CSS editor instead of imagepress.css
* FIX: Remove empty images using jQuery (only used for certain configurations)
* UPDATE: Removed asynchronous display, effect was identical
= 5.9.0 =
* PERFORMANCE: Removed option autoloading (performance gain)
* DEV: Changed version format to x.y.z
* DEV: Removed hardcoded plugin version and switched to get_plugin_data()
* DEV: Renamed class files to adhere to Zend naming conventions
* DEV: Renamed main CSS file to adhere to ImagePress naming conventions
* FIX: Fixed user profile losing changes when updated both from frontend and from backend
* FIX: Fixed option removal (removed unused parameter)
* FEATURE: Added image upload limit []
* FEATURE: Added new location field for images (optional)
* FEATURE: Added new terms and conditions restriction (optional)
* COMPATIBILITY: Added new WordPress 4.4 admin styles
* COMPATIBILITY: Changed all URL placeholders to `https://`
* UPDATE: Changed sorting to using a dropdown instead of fake radio options
= 5.8.2 =
* COMPATIBILITY: Added error/warning reporting option (should be disabled on production/live sites)
* FIX: Fixed settings tabs on WordPress 4.4
* FIX: Fixed email notification
* UPDATE: Cleaned up and updated the image uploader
* UPDATE: Admin style improvements (based on WordPress 4.4)
* UPDATE: Removed new installation pointers (as there was no real gain in using them)
= 5.8.1 =
* COMPATIBILITY: Added full PHP 5.3 compatibility by declaring options as variables before using them
* FIX: Added more translated strings
* FIX: Added more inline/contextual help
* UPDATE: Style tweaking and removal of some styles
= 5.7.2 =
* FIX: Fixed image size issue
* FIX: Fixed GitHub Updater issue when no GitHub repository is available
= 5.7.1 =
* FIX: Fixed indexAsync issue (to be replaced by
* FIX: Removed redundant parameter from imagepress-show shortcode
* UPDATE: Updated GitHub issue tracker URL
* SECURITY: Added external use/access check
* FEATURE: Moved asynchronous loading into its own file and made it optional (off by default)
* FEATURE: Added sort by date added
* FEATURE: Added extensions panel
= 5.7 =
* FEATURE: Added Dropbox upload
* FEATURE: Added collection clean-up feature
* UPDATE: Updated user notification override for WordPress 4.3
* UPDATE: Updated registration email message
* UPDATE: Updated FontAwesome library to 4.4.0
* IMPROVEMENT: Moved translation init to plugins_loaded
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed constant definition from plugin flow
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed unused functions (mod-trending.php)
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed small ImagePress thumbnails (no real performance gained and smaller footprint)
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed client-specific code from ImagePress core
* IMPROVEMENT: Added more conditions to WordPress init checks
* IMPROVEMENT: Added checks to image upload (performance increase)
* IMPROVEMENT: Added checks to term selection (tags, keywords, categories)
* FIX: Reverted to latest stable list.js due to sorting issues
= 5.6.3 =
* IMPROVEMENT: Switched check for imagepress.css to include child themes
* IMPROVEMENT: Added category filtering by adding the category name to the search field and waiting for ENTER key
* UPDATE: Updated FontAwesome library
* UPDATE: Added GitHub URL header
* REMOVE: Removed Disqus hack, as Disqus WordPress plugin is unmaintained
= 5.6.1 =
* IMPROVEMENT: Added option to enable/disable Avada lightbox
* IMPROVEMENT: Changed PHP template samples comments to /**/ in order to fix some copy/paste issues
= 5.6 =
* FEATURE: Added option to specify images per row
* ENHANCEMENT: Cleaned up and tweaked some of the grid style rules
* PERFORMANCE: Removed client-specific code (1)
* PERFORMANCE: Removed unused JS image width check
* PERFORMANCE: Removed event bubbling for several JS functions
* FIX: Changed JS comments to /**/ in order to fix some minification issues
* FIX: Removed GitHub Updater tags
* COMPATIBILITY: Added compatibility with Avada lightbox
= 5.5.10 =
* FEATURE: Testing asynchronous loading for images
* FIX: Fixed encoding issue (BOM)
= 5.5.8 =
* FIX: Fixed avatar selection when no custom avatar is available
* FIX: Fixed several duplicate styles and rearranged the single image CSS code
= 5.5.7 =
* FIX: Fixed avatar filtering
* FIX: Fixed reverse sorting
= 5.5.6 =
* IMPROVEMENT: Settings clean up
= 5.5.5 =
* IMPROVEMENT: Added empty upload check
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed redundant option to create users on image submission
* IMPROVEMENT: Added option to paginate authors (separate from images)
* FIX: Fixed upload form submission check before validity checks
* FIX: Fixed wrong link inside the collection tab
= =
* FEATURE: Added back name and email address for unregistered users
= =
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed hardcoded social sharing buttons and added a hook
* IMPROVEMENT: Merged spectrum.js with jquery.main.js
* IMPROVEMENT: Merged spectrum.css with ip.bootstrap.css
* FIX: Fixed missing AJAX callback
= =
* FIX: Changed login cookie name from 'rememberme' to 'remember'
* FIX: Fixed wrong class name
* FEATURE: Added option to always include category into moderation queue
= 5.5.4 =
* ENHANCEMENT: Added github updater
= 5.5.3 =
* FIX: Fixed bulk image uploader
* FIX: Fixed missing JS variable
* FIX: Fixed missing labels for Awards taxonomy
* UPDATE: Minor styling updates
* UPDATE: Removed "cinnamon_profile_title" option
* UPDATE: Added more strings to translation file
= 5.5.2 =
* FIX: Renamed 4 functions to avoid conflict with TracPress
* FIX: Fixed misplaced redirection function on image upload
* FIX: Fixed missing values for redirection fields
* FIX: Fixed typo in 'ip_upload_success_title' option slug
* FIX: Fixed AJAX variable to avoid conflicts with third-party components
* FIX: Added fixes and overrides for many CSS declarations
* UPDATE: Updated pagination and filtering script and merged it with main JS engine
* IMPROVEMENT: Added CSS styles for smaller screens
* IMPROVEMENT: Added step 0.5 for image padding to allow for 1px image gap between images
* REFACTORING: Removed new update notification
= 5.5.1 =
* FEATURE: Added bulk uploader
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed the server-side file size client validation (the client-side one superseded it)
= 5.4.2 =
* FEATURE: Added new version notification for users missing the CodeCanyon notification
* FEATURE: Added "featured in collection" template tag
* UPDATE: Updated Spectrum to 1.7.0 (from 1.6.1)
= 5.4.1 =
* UPDATE: Added option to select collections page
* UPDATE: Added shortcode to the help section
* UPDATE: Updated single-image.php code to include collections
* FIX: Updated the "Add to collection" button to work for logged-in users only
* FIX: Fixed several bugs with the collections module
* FIX: Fixed several style overrides and added :empty declarations
* FIX: Removed some unremovable items
* FIX: Various CSS fixes and overrides
= 5.4 =
* FEATURE: Added collections module (BETA)
* FIX: Numerous bug fixes
= 5.3 =
* FIX: Fixed path checking for imagepress.css
* FIX: Added missing translatable strings to PO file
* IMPROVEMENT: Added new user default role check
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed all login cookie functionality and allow WordPress to handle it
= 5.2 =
* FIX: Fixed deprecated argument WP_User->id()
* FIX: Fixed deprecated get_postdata()
* FIX: Removed all console errors
* FIX: Fixed custom code for Critique/WIP icons
* IMPROVEMENT: Added "Image uploaded" and "Click here to view your image" as configurable labels
* IMPROVEMENT: Allowed imagepress.css to take precedence
* IMPROVEMENT: Added thumbnail for backend tables
= 5.1.2 =
* FEATURE: Added custom image sizes for portfolio themes
* IMPROVEMENT: Added better documentation and merged the author code
* IMPROVEMENT: Added better installation steps and amended the installation tab
= 5.1.1 =
* FEATURE: Overhauled profile editor (tabbed view)
* FEATURE: Added portfolio customization and themes
* FIX: Fixed/merged old functions
* FIX: Fixed image upload for profile editing
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed colour picker
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed colour options for top image
= 5.1 =
* IMPROVEMENT: New pagination system with live sorting and filtering
* IMPROVEMENT: New welcome box (with installation status and quick links)
* PERFORMANCE: Added item visibility features (only visible images load in browser)
* FIX: Fixed a PHP function not working in PHP 5.3
* I18N: Removed incomplete it_IT translation
= 5.0-beta4 =
* FIX: Multiple fixes and improvements
= 5.0-beta3 =
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed a link title from the users screen (images column)
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed an unused global variable ($wp_roles)
* IMPROVEMENT: Added image details and related posters as a function (see updated single-image.php)
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed 'cinnamon_card_hover' option
* IMPROVEMENT: Added more labels (notification related)
* FIX: Removed a deprecated call to "caller_get_posts"
* FIX: Added missing default labels for the voting module
* FIX: Added missing default labels for the notifications module
* FIX: Fixed image editing mode discarding current featured image
* FIX: Fixed new image addition notification
* FIX: Fixed duplicate notifications
* FEATURE: Added sorting and filtering for author cards (default onclick sorting is DESC)
* I18N: Added more translated strings
= 5.0-beta2 =
* FIX: Renamed the secondary upload function
* FIX: Fixed the PHP context error
= 5.0-beta1 =
* FIX: Check for slug and set a default value if empty
* FIX: Make slug field required
* FIX: Prevented event propagation from 'like' button
* CLEANUP: Removed lightbox script
* CLEANUP: Removed slider script
* IMPROVEMENT: Profile redesign
= 4.2 =
* I18N: More internationalized strings
* PERFORMANCE: Converted lightbox images to dataURIs
* FIX: Fixed option to enable Disqus integration (URL anchor append)
= 4.1 =
* FEATURE: Added option to make the description field mandatory
* FEATURE: Added option to override the WordPress default email notification
* FEATURE: Added option to enable Disqus integration (URL anchor append)
= 4.0-BETA2 =
* UPDATE: Updated profile page
* UPDATE: Cleaned up CSS file
* UPDATE: Updated single image view
* FIX: Fixed avatar size
= 4.0-BETA1 =
* FIX: Fixed empty title submission
* FEATURE: Added HTML5 filetype validation
* FEATURE: Added option to hide tags dropdown
= 4.0-RC3 =
* FIX: Added empty label check for author tools
* FIX: Added default styles for author tools (some themes were overriding them)
= 4.0-RC2 =
* FEATURE: Added installation steps
* FEATURE: Added upload fields customization
* UPDATE: Added contextual help
* UPDATE: Added missing shortcode to dashboard
* UPDATE: Overhauled profile page
= 4.0-RC1 =
* UPDATE: Merged Cinnamon Users
* UPDATE: Major overhaul
= 3.5 =
* UPDATE: Major update (lots of new features and rewritten functions)
= 3.2.1 =
* UPDATE: Code cleanup
= 3.2 =
* ADD: Added new image size (based on personal project)
* FIX: Fixed image link when integrated lightbox was active and attachment link was set
* FIX: Removed missing 2x images from the integrated lightbox
* UPDATE: Added more clarification to lightbox options
* UPDATE: Added more clarification to image size options
* UPDATE: Updated image URL text field as "url" field
* IMPROVEMENT: Added CSS3 box sizing for all ImagePress elements
* IMPROVEMENT: Moved all external lightbox to plugin folder
* IMPROVEMENT: Optimized all local images
* IMPROVEMENT: Optimized CSS3 masonry code with more browser-specific declarations
* IMPROVEMENT: Merged and minified CSS styles
= 3.1 =
* VERSION: Added WordPress 3.9 compatibility
* FIX: Fixed extra styles
* FIX: Added a missing shortcode and removed obsolete scripts from the dashboard page
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed Colorbox dependency and added custom lightbox based on Nivo
= 3.0 =
* FEATURE: Complete rewrite of plugin engine
= 2.7 =
* FIX: Removed the buggy frontend user table (administration is only available from the backend)
* FIX: Added correct placeholders for name and email fields
* FIX: Fixed configurator line breaks
* FEATURE: Added thumbnail size to the configurator
* FEATURE: Added maintenance options (reset all votes)
* IMPROVEMENT: Replaced image icons with FontAwesome icons
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed several unused/redundant CSS styles
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed 4 unused/redundant images
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed 2 unused/redundant JS files
= 2.6 =
* FIX: Sorting and filtering
* FIX: Count parameter
* FEATURE: Added filtering by user ID
* FEATURE: Added Configurator (enable/disable any line inside the image box)
* FEATURE: Added CSS transitions instead of jQuery (isAnimated Masonry parameter)
* REMOVE: Removed "url" parameter (use Configurator)
* REMOVE: Removed PressTrends tracking (better plugin performance)
* REMOVE: Removed Modernizr (better plugin performance)
* UPDATE: Combined 2 Javascript dependencies (better plugin performance)
* UPDATE: General code cleanup
= 2.5.2 =
* FIX: Allow multiple category shortcodes on the same page
= 2.5.1 =
* FIX: Fixed duplicated MP6 icon
* IMPROVEMENT: Moved settings menu to custom post menu
* IMPROVEMENT: All hardcoded submissions now use the category slug (please update)
= 2.5 =
* FIX: Removed styling for file input (100% mobile compatibility)
* FIX: Removed autofocus attribute as it was conflicting with theme features
* FIX: Added current selected user (filter)
* FIX: Removed author archive filtering
* FIX: Fixed a wrong label in plugin's settings
* IMPROVEMENT: Switched hardcoded category as a shortcode parameter instead of a global option
* IMPROVEMENT: Added updated code to single-user_images.php and documentation file
* IMPROVEMENT: File cleanup (removed 3 unused files)
* FEATURE: Added PressTrends tracking
* FEATURE: Added user gallery on click (click on username, just like Deviant Art)
* FEATURE: Caption is now a required field (HTML5 "required" attribute)
* UPDATE: Update translations (both plugin and single template file)
* REMOVE: Removed comments bubble as it did not count third-party comments and it was heavily dependent on cache
* REMOVE: Removed placeholder compatibility for IE (just uncomment the code in js/main.js if you want to use it)
= 2.4 =
* UI: Added dedicated MP6 dashboard icon (dashicon)
* UI: Merged dashboard with the settings area for easier access
* FEATURE: Image uploads now add authors as subscribers
* FEATURE: Added option to hardcode a category
* FEATURE: Added option to show or hide the category dropdown
* FEATURE: Added URL address field (as a shortcode parameter)
* FEATURE: New "Sort by author" dropdown function, now showing only users with images
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed Formalize plugin
* IMPROVEMENT: Removed hardcoded jQuery plugin
= 2.3.4 =
* FIX: Some servers add a paragraph break inside inline generated JS; it is now fixed
= 2.3.3 =
* FEATURE: Added author archive filtering
* FEATURE: Added author sorting
= 2.3.2 =
* FIX: Form accesibility improvements
* PERFORMANCE: Removed a useless/duplicate .js script
= 2.3.1 =
* FEATURE: Responsive top image (hall-of-fame) shortcode parameter
= 2.3 =
* FIX: Fixed registration condition
* FEATURE: Added top image (hall-of-fame) (based on views)
* FEATURE: Added top image (hall-of-fame) (based on votes)
* FEATURE: Added most viewed images widget
* FEATURE: Added most voted images widget
* FEATURE: Added time (in hours) before voting is possible again
* IMPROVEMENT: Moved form labels to option group instead of .po file
* IMPROVEMENT: Added IE placeholder fix
* DOCUMENTATION: Added custom post type template code sample
= 2.2.1 =
* FIX: Fixed a mispositioned curly brace
= 2.2 =
* IMPROVEMENT: Modernizr jQuery code now loads faster
* IMPROVEMENT: Fixed Lazy Load 0.5 plugin conflict ( (thanks Jack Woodhams)
= 2.1.1 =
* IMPROVEMENT: Category sorter is now hierarchical
= 2.1 =
* FEATURE: Added image views counter
* FEATURE: Added image voting feature
* FEATURE: Added category sorter
* UI: Realigned image box bottom line
* UI: Backend tweaks
* BEHAVIOUR: Modified a shortcode to include another one (basically merged 2 shortcodes for better flexibility)
= 2.0.3 =
* FEATURE: Added option to set image link to either media or custom post type
= 2.0.2 =
* UI: Dashboard page tweaks
* UI: Icon tweaks
* UI: MP6 theme improvements
* UI: Added pagination CSS styles
* FIX: Fixed a reversed file_exists() function (imagepress.css)
* FIX: Fixed a script rendering error, blocking Masonry plugin
* FIX: Fixed official support link
= =
* Added load_plugin_textdomain() function (thanks Andrea Cavaliero)
* Added it_IT translation (thanks Andrea Cavaliero)
* Added override stylesheet option
* Added image description
* Added single image template sample inside the documentation folder
= 2.0.1 =
* Added better image upload button (using jQuery)
* Added autofocus to image caption (using jQuery)
* Tweaked form UI
* Fixed an aggressive trim function
* Replaced an echo function with a return function
* Removed extra (useless) bootstrap styles (huge conflicts with some themes)
= 2.0 =
* Added notification email (on image upload, for administrator)
* Added notification email (on image approve/reject, for registered users)
* Added text colour option
* Fixed a missing menu slug
* Corrected several typos
* Corrected plugin license
* Renamed several backend menu slugs
* Small UI changes
= 1.0 =
* First public release