ClassicPress vs. WordPress

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ClassicPress is an open-source content management system (CMS) that originated as a fork of WordPress in 2018.

It was developed as a response to the introduction of the Gutenberg block editor in WordPress 5.0, which many users and developers found to be a significant shift from the traditional editing experience. ClassicPress aims to retain the classic WordPress editor and maintain a simpler, more predictable development path compared to the evolving structure of WordPress. In comparing ClassicPress with WordPress, several key distinctions emerge:


The primary reason for ClassicPress’ creation was to preserve the Classic Editor, which WordPress replaced with the Gutenberg block editor. While WordPress now focuses on block-based content creation, ClassicPress maintains the traditional WYSIWYG editor, which many users still prefer for its simplicity and familiarity.

Philosophy and Development

ClassicPress prides itself on a more community-led approach, with an emphasis on business-friendly features and stability. It aims to avoid what some perceive as unnecessary complexity introduced in modern versions of WordPress. ClassicPress is designed to be lightweight, focused, and less prone to frequent major updates.

Backward Compatibility

ClassicPress strongly emphasises backward compatibility. Users who rely on older plugins and themes that may not be compatible with modern WordPress versions will find ClassicPress to be more accommodating, as it avoids many of the newer features and architecture changes that could cause conflicts.

ClassicPress Plugins and Themes Compatibility

Since ClassicPress is based on WordPress 4.9, most plugins and themes designed for that version will work seamlessly with ClassicPress. However, as WordPress continues to evolve, future plugins and themes may become less compatible with ClassicPress, particularly those built around Gutenberg or newer features introduced post-WordPress 5.0.

Check out our ClassicPress plugins!

Customisation and Features

WordPress has expanded its capabilities over time, incorporating more modern tools and functionality, including full-site editing with blocks. ClassicPress, on the other hand, intentionally limits such expansions, focusing on a more traditional, streamlined experience. This makes WordPress a better option for users who need cutting-edge features, whereas ClassicPress suits those who prefer a stable, consistent CMS without constant changes.

Community and Support

WordPress enjoys a vast, active global community with extensive support, documentation, and regular updates. ClassicPress, being a smaller project, has a more niche but dedicated community. Its slower release cycle appeals to users and developers who favour long-term stability over frequent innovation.

While WordPress is a dynamic and evolving platform with a modernised interface, ClassicPress appeals to those seeking a simpler, more classic approach to content management, avoiding many of the recent changes introduced by WordPress.

→ ClassicPress: The CMS for Creators

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